A session of the District Council was held today in the building of the Jablanica administrative district, at which the upcoming inspections in the control of the implementation of anti-epidemic measures of protection against the spread of the infectious disease COVID-19 were discussed.
The head of the Jablanica administrative district, Miloš Ćirić, announced the first point, ie Introduction to the instructions on the methodology and coordination of the work of the heads of administrative districts and local self-government units on suppressing the spread of the COVID-19 virus and drafting a plan for its implementation. He emphasized that all local and republic inspection services will be in charge of controlling the work of facilities and events: larger catering facilities, gatherings of people at organized concerts, gatherings of people at sporting events, rental halls, tourism facilities, shopping centers, large shopping malls chains, open-air and indoor markets and public transport facilities and means. Chief Ciric added that the report on the work of the services and on the undertaken procedures will be regularly sent to the Republic Headquarters for Emergency Situations and the city headquarters.
The mayor of Leskovac, Dr. Sci, spoke at the session. med. Goran Cvetanović. The mayor presented data on the current epidemiological situation in Leskovac and said that since September, a single-digit number of positive findings on the existence of coronavirus has been recorded daily and that the situation is not alarming, but that does not mean that the situation cannot be changed:
“Today, out of 27 received results in our city, four positive ones came out, while in total in District 7. Results for 61 samples are awaited. As for the contacts of the actor who shot the film in Leskovac, 23 negative results arrived for all of them. When it comes to the Kovid hospital, there are currently two patients on hospital treatment, and one of them is on oxygen. Compared to yesterday, three patients were discharged and one was admitted. Although the above figures show that the situation in Leskovac is not alarming, it is important that we all understand that this can change at any time. Observing the situation in Serbia, when as many as 1,328 new patients were registered yesterday, we must be careful and beware in order to maintain the current situation in our city, and even improve it with maximum effort. “
The mayor emphasized that all institutions in the city, both local and republic, will have the full support of the local self-government for the implementation of supervision and control within its competence, and that everything will be in coordination with the goal of better functioning. He referred to the upcoming weekend and appealed to the owners of catering and entertainment bars to cancel the gatherings.
“I especially appeal to parents to advise their children not to go to places where they can expose themselves to potential infection and thus endanger themselves and their families.” It is clear that most of us relaxed, but I have the need and obligation to remind us all that only a few months ago we were completely isolated and unable to live as we used to due to ignorance and disrespect of the measures prescribed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia. Smart people learn from experience, so I ask all our fellow citizens not to put themselves and their loved ones in risky situations in order to avoid spreading the infection, because now we know more about this virus, while in March it was not the case “- the mayor emphasized. He referred to the fact that the owners of catering facilities respect the reduced working hours and that the problem is in the number of gathered mostly younger people who do not wear protective masks and do not maintain the necessary physical distance. In the end, he concluded that more rigorous measures can be avoided if all institutions do their job and if the media convey all appeals and recommendations.