Today, the municipality of Medveđa celebrated its day with a solemn session, marking 75 years since the liberation.
The ceremony was also attended by the head of the Jablanica Administrative District, Miloš Ćirić.
At the ceremony, besides the Mayor, the Mayor of the City of Leskovac, Goran Cvetanovic, as well as the President of the Coordination Body for Presevo, Bujanovac and Medveja, prof. Dr. Zorano Stankovic.
At the festive session, the Mayor of Medveđa, Nebojša Arsić, addressed the audience with the following words:
“Our pride is our multi-ethnicity, and friendly relations between Serbs, Albanians, Montenegrins, Roma. We must leave that style and harmony to the generations that come into the heritage, but also to the amanet.
The Medvedans are on the right track today, the way of recovery and progress. This is evidenced by numerous infra-structural projects and improved conditions of our citizens, better successes of our children. You can also make sure that this year’s Municipality Day is celebrated in a more beautiful Medveđa, which year after year becomes a place of a better and more pleasant life for our citizens. “
President of the coordinating body for Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa, prof. Dr. Zoran Stankovic welcomed all the guests and congratulated the Municipal Day and 75 years since the liberation of Medvedja municipality.
After the ceremony, the audience was able to see the exhibition of Predrag Baja Lukovic and his daughter Nataša. The Mayor officially opened this exhibition, and the author himself addressed the audience.